Campus Directory | Faculty

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Robert Loeb [email protected]
Professor, Biology and Forestry
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
Swift Building, Room 239 (814) 375-4739
Jason Long [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Information Sciences and Technology
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
DEF Building, Room 102J (814) 372-3000
Amila Madiligama [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Physics
Swift Building, Room 243 814-375-4740
Francelys Medina [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Chemistry
Science Labs Assistant/Coordinator, Chemistry
Swift Building, Room 241 (814) 375-4813
Douglas Miller [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Engineering
Program Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering Technology
Research Associate, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
DEF Building, Room 110K (814) 375-4731
Mary Mino [email protected]
Associate Professor, Communication Arts and Sciences
Associate Chief Academic Officer, Academic Affairs
Symmco House (814) 375-4707
Evelyn Nyadwera [email protected]
Associate Professor, Business and Economics
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
DEF Building , Room 102K (814) 375-4856
Tammy Ott [email protected]
Lecturer, Mathematics
Swift Building, Room 229 (814) 372-3034
Byron Parizek [email protected]
Professor, Geosciences
Professor, Mathematics
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
Smeal Building, Room 181 (814) 375-4834
Heather Parizek [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Geoscience
Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
Smeal Building, Room 179 (814) 375-4826
Sarah L Pierotti [email protected] Swift Building, Room 236 (814) 375-4852
Selena Price [email protected]
Lecturer, Criminal Justice
Smeal Building, Room 174 (814) 375-4703
Ramakrishnan Rajagopalan [email protected]
Associate Professor, Engineering
DEF Building , Room 110B (814) 375-4827
Prashanti Ramakrishnan [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Chemistry and Biology, Sciences
Swift Building, Room 240 (814) 372-3006
Angela Regulski [email protected]
Keely Roen [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Wildlife Technology
Program Coordinator, Wildlife Technology
Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisors
Smeal Building, 48 B (814) 372-3003
Jungwoo Ryoo, Ph.D. [email protected]
Chancellor, Chancellor's Office
Chief Academic Officer, Academic Affairs
Symmco House 814-375-4705
Heidi L Shindledecker [email protected]
Adjunct, Lecturer, English, Multidisciplinary Studies Program
Hiller Building, Room 113
Luke Sicard [email protected]
Lecturer, Adjunct, Engineering, Engineering Program
DEF Building, Room 100G (814) 375-4845
Jason Smith [email protected]
Lecturer, Adjunct, Mathematics
Hiller Building, Room 113 (814) 375-4816